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Should we talk 
about the weather?

The WeatherPixie

Should we talk about
the government?

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Today is my last day as a Linden. If you're one of those people who's been following me via FB or Twitter or $deity forbid an RSS feed of this poor little blog because of my Linden-ness, here's your heads-up to unsub. There -- can't say I never did anything for you. :-)

Though I haven't been in the office for weeks, it's amazing how much you can keep up with via IRC. I know that the lights are back on in the basement, for example. There will be Mexican food for lunch - which I admit I won't miss being at my old desk for because the food-smell on Fridays can be kind of overwhelming for basement-dwellers.

The part of this that has been so difficult - aside from giving up the Best Desk In The Building - is when I painfully realized this week that I will no longer get to soak daily in the awesomeness that is my fellow Lindens. LL is an organization filled with people I love to hang out with. What I'll miss most is that I'll no longer have access to all of them all at once whenever I feel like it. I won't be dropping into IRC late at night or on the weekends just to see who's around and how things are going. The time of majestic porbeagles and cake is behind me now. I'm certain there will be some withdrawal, so I'm counting on Twitter and FB to get me through the disconnect adjustment.

If any Lindens are reading this, please know I am exceptionally proud to have worked with y'all. Thank you for making the last three years challenging, rewarding, and never boring. I wish you nothing but the best.

Well, time to wrap this up so I can tidy up those very last loose-end emails. I'll be at Stitches West tomorrow (thanks, Abby, for picking me up on the GFI!!) and at Potlatch for a bit on Sunday. Next week, I start a new adventure.


I'd actually forgotten you were a Linden! Have you another job lined up or anything?
I don't have another gig lined up yet, but I'm definitely looking! I've had a few pings via my Linked-In page so I'm hopeful I'll find something soon.
The worst part is the email withdrawal. Going from the massive email flood every day to almost nothing makes you feel like you're on a deserted island.
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