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Today was a lovely, relaxing day. You'd think that, what with no job to go to, every day would be lovely and relaxing but in fact you'd be wrong. Many days are just plain interminable -- a not-exactly-interesting mix of boredom tinged with sadness, with lots of little tasks to accomplish and random appointments thrown in for flavor. Some of the tasks and appointments are in and of themselves quite interesting, but it's not enough to keep me buoyed up. In short, I'm kind of bored, and though I know that there is still lots of work ahead of me on the job-search path, it doesn't have the same satisfaction of feeling connected to something larger than myself.
I mean, come on. How much knitting can I really do non-stop? Yes, I have been practicing drop-spindling -- emphasis on drop -- but I'm not seeing skill development yet.
So what was fab about today? Well for one thing, I met a ferry-friend for pedicures first-thing this morning, which was such a nice way to start the day. Once home, I knit for awhile and watched a movie, then finished sewing on a pair of pants I've had in-progress for way too long. They're kind of not so great, actually, so don't expect a pic of them. I did make some progress on the lace scarf I've been working on for a few months, though. I also had time to do some reading and generally laze in a sunbeam, before a delicious dinner of My Favorite Thing Ever -- a simple roast chicken. Chocolate cake for dessert. All in all, just one thing I enjoy after another. I felt very blissy.
Karen and James are coming in tomorrow night, and staying for (I think) a few days while getting ready to move into their new place. It will be such fun to have them here!


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