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Maybe I am to blame for *some* of my iPhone problems. Well, one of them. The home button dying, well I'm blameless for that one. There's just some shitty soldering or something causing that. I do have to take some blame for the Aunt Pat problem. Stephen took my iPhone to the Apple Store today while I was working -- sweetness, yes I know -- because of the once again dead home button. He also told them about the problem with the headphones not always disengaging correctly. Turns out the switch that detects whether or not your headphones are plugged in is a simple but mechanical (not electronic) switch. Sometimes a hair or some dirt can make it malfunction, so if you're having this problem just blow some canned air in there to clean it out. Unless you're me. If you're me, you have not a hair or some dirt but a giant and compact hot pink ball of fluff shoved down in the speaker jack... from my covet-worthy iPhone cozy. Guess I'll keep an eye on that with the new one they gave Stephen. That was nice, by the way. Both times I've had problems with the phone they've just replaced it immediately, not put me through the bullshit rental program. I appreciate that.

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Did you get to keep the fuzzball? I'm weird and want to see it :)
nah... That phone had other problems, so there was no fuzzball extraction. Sorry to disappoint.
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