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Should we talk 
about the weather?

The WeatherPixie

Should we talk about
the government?

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First vote! This morning, I was the first voter in our precinct. Because of this, the "dude in charge" had to give me a specific tour of the voting boxes and the special touch-screen for disabled voters. The point was to show me - the first voter - that there were no other votes in the ballot boxes or registered with the touch-screen voting booth. I had no idea they did that.

This morning, I thought about the suffrage movement a lot. I thought about how they fought so hard for me to have the vote, all this time later. I thought about how some things are worth fighting for, no matter the cost.

This is the first election in a very VERY long time where I've felt like my vote actually makes a difference. It's both inspirational and a great sense of responsibility, kind of intermingled.

On a completely unrelated note, Lent starts tomorrow. I think I'm giving up gummi bears. Battery Lindens, beware!

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