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Lessons learned after 4 weeks at the new gig:
  1. It is possible for even me to get tired of the rain. If I didn't have to slog around The City in it, maybe my romance with water that falls from the sky would be rekindled. Until then... I'm over it.
  2. I am not over those parrots that I walk by on the way from the train to work and back again. Yesterday, I walked through a different kind of rain -- a rain of pink blossoms from the parrots tearing them from the trees above. Very picturesque.
  3. Aforementioned parrots are loud. I knew that already, though.
  4. I have a hard time reading on the train sometimes. I think I may be susceptible to some motion ickiness. Not quite sickness. Ickiness.
  5. I'm not really knitting on the train either. I'm kinda waiting for the rain to go away so I can carry my messenger bag instead of the waterproof backback.
  6. The afghan isn't finished yet. Neither is my latest (longer, bigger, won't be inadvertently felted) Ribby Cardi.
  7. The socks I was making are too small. They'll be gifted when I get around to making the second one.
  8. Being in the colo facility feels like being on an airplane. It's loud with fans and somehow it dehydrates.
  9. Maybe the colo visit contributed to today's train ickiness?
  10. My aunt who recently was diagnosed with breast cancer caught it SO early that she's probably going to get to skip chemo. FAB-o-roonie!
  11. Some of the boss battles in Kingdom Hearts II are really really hard.
  12. Losing boss battles makes me throw the PS2 controller. I'm so mature.
  13. Somewhere along the way, this list devolved from being about work. Ah, well. I think that's probably a good thing.
  14. Getting alterations done tomorrow for the bridesmaid's dress.
  15. Tomorrow is also Stevie's birthday.
  16. I'm really not at all impressed with a single pattern in the new Knitty. The new MagKnits, however, has a few good ones in there. Not the loopy hat, Nezumi and the cute wrist warmers that actually make me consider trying some color work. Well, that and Karrie's amazing progress on the Eunny vest.
Time for dinner, so that is all!

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I thought all the patterns this time around were fairly blah too. I'm moderately interested in the scarf, but nothing else.
I completely forgot about the socks. I dug the socks, yellow/black scarf and nautiloids from knitty.

Glad to hear about your aunt!
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