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News, news. First, all family seems to be safe and accounted for and out of Houston. Second, Stevie got a job working as an apprentice carpenter this week. In many ways, it seems like an ideal job for him. We'll see how it works out, but I will miss having a house-husband. However, the extra fundage will be a boon. What else, what else? Work has been busy and crazy, and I took the afternoon for errands and mental health today. Oh, and a little blogging, too. Does that count as an errand or mental health? No links to that article about blogging as therapy are necessary...
MIL liked the tea cozy, so that went over well.
I'm working on Christmas knitting now, which isn't terribly engaging, unfortunately. I'm thinking about making Samus from the new Knitty, but maybe in black microfiber ribbon? I have some from Tess's Designer Yarns I picked up at the fiber fair a few months ago, and I think it should show the cables really well. So, that's on the "maybe" list. As is the Elann Cables and Lace cardigan. I guess I'm not sure if I'm willing to embark on a black sweater (which both would be) when I still have the Molly Lopi sweater floating around unfinished.
What else, what else? Oh, we're going to The City to check out all the ships during Fleet Weekend. That should make the boy happy. And if I can get it together, I might even blog about it. <grin>

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