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It has been a weekend full of FO's here.

That's four FO's in one shot. Woo-hoo! From left to right: Elann "Sock It to Me Esprit Print" socks in black/white/grey; Silk/Wool tea cozy, from pattern in Last Minute Knitted Gifts; garter stitch baby booties in purple Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino; and Lana Grossa Meilenweit Multieffekt socks. The big socks are mine, as yet unwashed. The booties are a gift for Michelle at Barberella, who had a baby girl earlier this week. The tea cozy is a gift for someone who almost definitely doesn't read this, but I'll just not mention any names to be sure.
Here's another shot of the tea cozy.

That's from yarn we won at Sheep to Shawl. Pretty!
Also, it's been SO LONG since I downloaded from my camera, I have pix from socks I made for Stephen in April. April. I really need to download those more often. At any rate, thrill at the enormous boy socks!

They took forever to complete. That's Lorna's Laces Shepherd Sock in pinstripe. For a size comparison:

Those are the long-languishing recently completed Elann socks in the foreground for comparison. The boy has some huge feet. It'll be some time before I'm crazy enough to make socks for him again.
I understand why knitters wash socks when they're complete, to set in all the stitches blah blah... but why BLOCK socks? I mean, really? Just to take pictures? Would you block socks every time you wash them? That just adds way more maintenance to socks than I'm willing to invest.
So, that's a lot of gift knitting going on. I just need to finish the big itchy Lopi sweater, and I should be ready to start on Christmas gift knitting. Only a few "lucky" recipients of gift knitting for the holidays this year, because I am just not willing to over-commit like I did last year.


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