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655, baby! Yeah-huh. That's right. My katamari was 655 meters. That's a ginormous katamari. I got a thunder god to go with my Jumboman.
It's the little things.
The big work project that's been taking up most of my work time is now, finally, signed off and completed. There will be some tidying up, making sure everyone's happy, but the time I'll need to dedicate to this project should go from a lot to nil effectively starting today. Ah....
And I felted this weekend. Pix to follow. I took the "before", but I'm waiting for the bag to dry to do the "after".
I heard from Iggy the other day. That was nice. I was glad to know he's doing well.
Let's see, what other little things are going on... I'm off to Dallas on Wednesday, then Molly and I will go shopping for a poofy white dress while I'm there. DMB on Saturday, then back home on Sunday. Just in time for Rome. Did anyone else watch Rome? It was killing us who played Octavian until Stephen finally remembered Master and Commander (a.k.a. "the turtle movie"). Cool credit sequence, too. My guess it's the same group that did the Carnivale credits, but I could be wrong.
So, I'm now only working on an alpaca hat for a coworker. Oh, and the Molly sweater that has languished unloved lo these many months. I just have a hard time going to sleeve island, but I'll do it. Really. By the time it's cold(ish), you'll have that sweater, Mol. I swear. And I have a few gifts that need to be shipped - the tea cozy, for example. Then, I'll really get into the few Christmas knits I'll be working on this season. And after that, depending on the selected dress, maybe a wedding shawl. We'll see...

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