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So. Tired... Off to bed soon, but just a quick note before I go. I don't understand why it was hotter in The City today than it was here at the house. It just doesn't make sense to me. I went to hit the big Nordstrom sale and buy big socks for Stevie. Nordstrom is essentially the only place we can reliably find socks for him, just as it's just about the only place we can find shoes for either of us. We're just a big-feeted couple. After that, I browsed around Sephora and headed over to Artfibers. I like Artfibers, don't get me wrong, but most of what I see in there would be the accent piece for me -- not the main piece. For example, I adore their silks, but I just don't see me making an entire anything out of them. While some of their yarns lend themselves very well to lovely tanks and shells, again that's not really something I would wear. I find myself wanting to lust after their lovely things -- and they are truly lovely, I don't deny that -- but then coming back and thinking "Wow, I really love DB Cashmerino and Rowan Calmer," not fixating back on the shiny jewels of color lining the Artfibers shelves. Am I a traditionalist knitter? The horror....


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