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Fools are cool. First, I will probably not go to knitting tonight, even though I want to show off the crochet assembly I did on the Audrey sweater. Next week, I'll definitely be there. Stephen leaves for Clarion West on Friday, and I'm basically hogging all the time with him that I can.
Second, I shall tell you why Fools are cool. I spend time on The Motley Fool message boards, and I have for years and years. Today, I posted about Stephen's impending departure for CW and how in a very roundabout way, it's all their fault. I first heard about NaNoWriMo at TMF, and that has led to Stephen actively pursuing his writing full-time. After the posting and some wonderful "huzzahs" from the group, one of my Favorite Fools, a literary agent, offered to read some of his work when he's ready. It's like I said: Fools are cool.


awwww... i wish you were coming, but how can i compete with stevie? last week i was up to my elbows in blauband maxi-ringel tring to match colors and reinforcing thread. your expertise was greatly missed.
On a very old blog entry you made in 2003 about going to the dmv (link below) you mentioned that they wouldn't allow magenta as a hair color on your liscense. Turns out Ask Yahoo found your page and used it in one of their answers: http://ask.yahoo.com/ask/20050614.html

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