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I did work from home some today. But honestly, it was more like a half-day of work-work, and a few hours of thinking about how we can do more cool stuff work, and another hour or so of just daydreaming and petting the cats. So I'll take a half-day for this one. Anyway, I just finished reading Barnes?&?Noble.com - Throwing the Elephant: Zen and the Art of Managing Up. Though it deals much more with traditional executives in traditional corporations, it was interesting to consider in how many ways it could be applied to our company. While we're still a small and generally iconoclastic bunch, I will need to consider the lessons from larger companies that can be applied to us. In some ways, just the action of putting a bunch of people together to accomplish any task and dividing up the labor makes some features of the traditional large company take shape, even when the company itself is small and appears to have none of those features at first glance.
Well, enough about work here. I'm not going to be one of those crazy fools fired for blogging about work. Nuh-uh. Not me.
On the knitting front, it's been all about dishcloths this week. Stevie reported that the ones I sent his mom are looking a bit thin, so I'm trying to whip out some replacements. Blah - BO-ring. Oh, pizza's here. Gotta run. More fun tomorrow.


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