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I am blogging from bed on my Stephen's new PowerBook. Which I originally typed as "PoserBook"... so I wonder why my fingers are trained to type "poser" instead of "power". Maybe this is telling about words I use in IM? Or wouldn't that be "poseur"? At any rate... I used it to set up his very stark (which suits him) web page today. Yes, I can use fonts in Photoshop. Fear me. It's boring, but so is the boy, so it all works out.
And I'm working on some super cute new socks to take some of the monotony out of being on Sleeve Island with Audrey. I have around 6 inches (and that's six actual inches, not what most men think constitutes 6 inches) completed. Out of many more than 6 inches. I'm doing both sleeves at once to try to get it over with, but you know how that goes - it takes just as long, you just don't have the false sense of completion when casting off the first sleeve.
Other than that.... not much to report. They're doing some sort of 24-hour walkathon thing over at the high school, and we can hear it pretty clearly from here. Now that I think about it, it's probably much louder at Karrie's place. Stephen's playing God of War, which is way too scary to watch to be working on anything else besides socks when I'm in the room - the 2x2 ribbing on Audrey was requiring lots of repairs when I tried to work on the sleeves. It's a very beautiful yet incredibly violent game. He seems to really enjoy it - it's challenging, but not completely miserable until you play it on "very hard" mode -- the one he's schlepping through now. Seems too much like work to me.
Well, it's past my bedtime. Maybe I'll find some batteries for the camera to take pix of the WIPs. I have been very good on my yarn diet, but I'm itching for the acquisition of new fibers...
One more thing - did anyone catch that bit on Knitty Gritty where they did the needle felting? I've never seen that before. I don't see how the design doesn't just peel right off the fabric. Anyone done this?


okay, I read the URL before the webpage and was trying to figure out what absurd play on words "Shuts On Blount" was supposed to be. =) Of course, S. Hudson is much better.
okay, I meant HUTSON is better, I'm really not trying to rename Stephen. Just can't type.
Oh is that what is going on over there. i had no idea other than my street was full of cars all day.

my projects seem to be in a similar state to yours - i am avoiding my trip to sleeve island and i am about to start some cute socks. maybe i'll see you on tues!
You're supposed to go over the design with the felting needle like a hundred times or more for it to stay put.
--Debbie from knitting
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