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Hospice care must cause good karma. I have the exit row all to myself - on the plane, heading home now (around 8:45 PM CST Wednesday night - I'll re-date this post appropriately). I'm having a beer in Doreen's honor. It was really... I don't know how to say. I mean, I'm sincerely grateful for the opportunity to be there with her during her last days. I helped to feed her, bathe her, tend to her. And seeing her so sweet and vulnerable and doted on by so many people who love her.... It was probably one of the most touching and fulfilling times of my life. I wouldn't give it up for anything. I'm very glad I stayed. Very.
I had dinner with Doreen's sister last night. It was good to have some time to check in with her. She's... well, she's coping. She's coping in the very best ways she can, which is all anyone can ask of her. She's not in the room -- she wants to always remember Doreen strong and vibrant.
On a completely unrelated note - the woman in front of me is having her ear chatted off by the woman from across the aisle who has invaded her row. The across-the-aisle invader is reading a book called "Coping with your Borderline Personality Disorder." Yes, I suppose it's possible that she is a counselor or psychiatric nurse or something... but it's more fun to suppose that the book is hers for self-help reasons. I understand you needed reading material, ma'am, but maybe something that doesn't have "COPING WITH YOUR BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER" in 128 point type on the cover would make your fellow passengers feel more at ease, hmm?
Well, long post so far. I guess that trapping me on the plane with more of the World's Most Boring Socks - the Stevie Socks - isn't really inspiring me to knit. I intended to do a lot of things while I was gone, including some product design projects, but none of that worked out save knitting. I finished the black and white variegated cotton/elastic socks and am probably half-way through the second Stevie sock. I want to make 10 pairs this year, and so I'm catching up. How many have I made so far? <counting...> Three? Striped, black-and-white, and Jamie's? So now I have to finish the Stevie socks by end-of-month to make it an even pair-per-month. I like hyphens and slashes today, apparently. Hmm... Oh, yes, and the gift Audrey is still waiting for me to be worked on as well. Those size 8 needles will feel HUGE after a solid week of socks.
Wow, after a week of being basically unattended, I bet my Bloglines is out of control. Something to look forward to.
I don't know if I'm going to work on Friday. I'm physically and emotionally exhausted. I think I'll sleep for two days straight. Did I mention I helped write the obituary and am organizing the programs for the service? I'm not going to attend the service, since I'm going to be so far away, but I sure will help with it however I can from afar. There will be a bit of photo retouching and I've already built the template.
One hour into the 4 hour flight. How long will the plane blog be? Only time will tell...
Two hours in now. The BPD woman seems to be doing okay with her victim. I guess. I have the iPod cranking. Still can't sleep - I tried - and I'm not yet to the heel on that damn sock. That's my goal. To make the heel by touchdown. Can she do it? Stay tuned... OTOH... Does Karen have any good games on this thing? Maybe I'll play some Shanghai... MoMo used to LOVE that game!
Three and a half hours in on our 4:15 flight. I just got the heel into that sock. Damn, my boy has some big ol' feet! I'm putting in afterthought heels because I swear he has spurs on his heels -- he wears out the heels of his store-bought socks pretty quick, so I want to be able to replace these easily. Now I just have an interminable amount of ribbing to add in. Flight is getting choppy now. I'll write another post tomorrow when I get this one added in.

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