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Promises, promises. I'm actually going to keep this one. But first let me say an emphatic thank you to the non-prissy non-snobby knitting circle. Seriously. Most of the people in that sock class were great, but there were just a few... At any rate, back to the good news:
I finished a sock!

The other one still needs a heel, but not bad for a week's work! As promised, here's a pic of the last socks I made:

Which are, as previously mentioned, now destined to be a Christmas present. And here's another:

That one is a bit hard to see, since it's on that stash basket. And what is in the stash basket, you may ask? Both the lovely and the "why is that there"?
First, the good stuff:

Check out that Tesla. Cotton and stainless steel. Currently, destined to be a skinny scarf.
And a few other lovelies:

The polar will be a present. The Crystal FX... I don't know yet. I'm awfully fond of the grenadine one. Maybe I need a glittery red scarf?
And now the ugly, but it has a purpose:

I was thinking about making a Hallowig. I'm just not sure when I'll have the time.
And that's not all that's in the stash basket. Some Calmer for Audrey, dish cloth cotton, and a few skeins of sock yarn round out the bunch.
And one closing pic. My poor in-progress cardigan. Who will get to it first? Bonnie or the giant squid?

Now, I'm off to bed. I'm coming down with something and I don't want to be sick for knitting night!

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