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I'm afraid that I was a megabitch last week. I just couldn't picture a beer cozie for the life of me, and it just came off all wrong. But now that I see the pix... Genius! Absolute genius! I cannot wait to tell their creator what genius it is! Also, if there's a pattern, maybe I can make one for Aunt Beth? I need to learn about double-points sometime...
AND I finished the baby blanket. Finished it. Completely. I have a small ball of yarn left over, so I'll have to ask Claire if she's interested in any practice yarn.
So I'm down to the lacy mohair scarf I'm working on for Shirley, my beautiful cardigan that I will finish someday (the baby blanket has given me inspiration), some baby booties for the booty-along, and I have all the yarn together for my Audrey. Unfortunately, my boobs are too big to make the Audrey yet... I need to take a little off the top before I can fit into it comfortably. Either that, or it will be so tight I'll look like a fifties movie starlet without the bombshell hair and wasp waist. So, just from a boob standpoint.
Wanna see Audrey?

I'm on the fence about whether or not to do the Audrey Knit-A-Long, though. Maybe I should. Seems there's a lot of support out there for the Audrey knitting community. <grin>
Okay, I'm starving. That's enough for tonight.

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It sounds like fun!

Oh, if you're taking orders, those beer cozies are fantasic! Not that we'd use them for beer. But soda cans & glasses in Texas sure could use them. hint, hint. :)

You keep this up & I'm going to have to learn to knit!
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