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Grr... Sometimes, I read other people's knitting blogs. It's interesting to see what other people are working on, their FOs, etc... but at times it makes me feel all icky, too. First, I'm a competitive person (though probably not as competitive as MoMo, based upon my "teach the sister to knit" experience!) and to see people who can do such amazing things both inspires me and makes me feel sad and lame at the same time. See, I want to do cool stuff like that! I will someday, I know, but it's going to take time for me to gain more experience. Then, there's the fact that they say "I made this in a size small..." So of COURSE they can finish it much faster than I could. I'm making something like 75% more material! And, no, I'm not bashing the thin... No, I am not. Thin people -- good for you! You get a lovely shortcut in this regard, and I'm not disparaging you for it. I'm disparaging ME for it, which is completely different. <rimshot> Seriously, though. If I made a sweater for me, then the identical sweater for my sister, it would take something like two-thirds the time at most to complete hers. Feh. I guess I just feel like wallowing in self-pity today or something. That's what happens when I catch a glimpse of myself on the iSight.

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