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They're staying for another day. He apologized. He asked if they could stay another day. I said, "I don't know. Are you going to be a total asshole anymore?" He promised he wouldn't. "Are you going to apologize for being such a monumental prick?" He said he had apologized. "You know, starting a sentence with the words 'I'm sorry, but...' is not an apology."
So I got my apology.
And I told him that he had never been such an asshole to me my entire life. And that he certainly had better not get the idea that it was okay to do it now. And that if he ever did it again, it could well be a relationship-ending conversation. If there was ever any question that I am MoMo's sister, it all completely disappeared that night. I could have killed him. And I told him that next time, I will not use any restraint.
He seemed to understand that (a) he had fucked up bigtime; and (b) that I meant business about him never doing it again ever.
Ironically, his stepkid went to bat for me, told him that he had completely misconstrued the circumstances that had set him off. So, not only was he an asshole, but he was an asshole for absolutely no good reason. Not that there was ever an excuse, but the one he tried to use was worthless as well.
Further, I told him that if he throws tantrums like that on any sort of regular basis, that he is damn lucky that his wife is putting up with it. That she deserves better than to have to tolerate that kind of crap. And that he is one lucky bastard that she hasn't walked away from him yet. That kind of behavior is inexcusable from a grown man.
"She's trying really hard, Michael. Don't you fuck it up."

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