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Soup of the evening... Beautiful soup! Tomorrow, we're hosting an official "Rhea and Ti-Fred's Soup KitchenTM" at Stately Blount Manor. Jenna came over tonight and we made tomorrow's dessert and one of the soups. The menu? Tomato-lentil soup, pasta e fagioli (yummy!), and Vichyssois courtesy of Adam and Jamie. While Jenna came over here to help me out, those two were drinking Mint Juleps and cooking potatoes and leeks.
I have to admit, the spirit of cooperation is a damn fine thing.
At any rate, I am now pooped! Not too heart-fatiguey, though, which I will take as a good thing.
Speaking of being tired, my father with family in tow is enroute at this very moment... well, perhaps not. Their itinerary says they're actually in Vegas right now. The crisis at hand? My beloved Volvo station wagon -- which was so good to me -- must hate them or something. It has caused them nothing but trouble for a year. Now, there's another transmission problem that has surfaced, and they're looking to put the car in the shop while staying here. Did I mention that they're arriving on Friday and are staying until Tuesday? That's a long visit, and I'm sure we'll all be good and sick of each other by the time it's over. On top of that, I need to practice my bassoon while they're here: my next lesson is the Tuesday that they leave. Ahhh... an excuse to retire to the basement?
To be fair, I don't think it's going to be that bad. My father's stepson -- who he intermittently refuses to refer to as his stepson, though I like to remind him that he made a commitment to the kid, and that MoMo and I dragged my ass cross-country to watch him do it -- may be so tired of being around the two of them that he's a holy terror... or, he might be on his best behavior. Maybe. I'm definitely keeping my fingers crossed for "good behavior".

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