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Sigh. So my father did finally call last night...


... to ask me when my birthday was!

He also asked about MoMo and Jake, which is when I told him that he had fucked up bad. Not yelling at him -- though I wanted to, I know that MoMo wouldn't have wanted that. Just that he asked when Jake's birthday is, and I said, "Oh, you just missed your only grandson's birthday. It was the 12th." I tried not to be too venomous, but it was just indefensible. And he didn't even apologize -- just made excuses. They're probably absolutely reasonable excuses, too. He's been working like crazy, for example. But I just want to smack him upside the head.

You don't have a relationship with someone -- anyone -- because you think you do. It doesn't just happen. It requires consideration and a little bit of effort. By saying, "Oh, well, I had to work." without even an apology suggests that such a slight is completely fine. It isn't. He's already missed most of our lives because he's a workaholic. Now he's missing Jacob's, too, and I just don't find that acceptable.

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