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Oh, hell! I'm almost thirty! I'll have to come up with something else to put in the sidebar after next week!

My doting (read:"sucks at relationships") father seems to have forgotten Jacob's birthday. Yup, that's right. His only grandchild. Well, MoMo called me earlier and in fact Jake got a card from him today. That's right, just today. TEN days late. He could have walked the damn thing over - it's just a few miles away. I want to find a way that this isn't a total screw up on his part, and I just can't. This is a major fuck-up.

On a related note, I did get a present from father+wife the other day. Some pretty glass pieces, can't complain about them. What I CAN complain about is the fact that my own father didn't even find the time to sign my damn card. Brenda did very well by me on the gift, but you'd think that he'd have a moment to sign the card!! I'm annoyed by this as well. He's too busy for his grandson - who lives just down the way. He's too busy to sign the card for me... What does this say to his kids? I'll tell you what is says to his kids! (ha-ha) It says, "You're still not particularly important to me compared to my work, and especially compared to my new life." I know he would object, and say "Oh, that's completely not true." But the way you show that you care for and enjoy being around someone (or something, like say a hobby) is by spending TIME with them. He didn't have any for us, then he had some for me for a few years, and now he doesn't have it again. He's going to have to get it together if he wants a relationship with Jake. MoMo's nothing like Anne -- she won't estrange them. But if he doesn't get with it and develop a bond with Jake, eventually it will be too late. There's no good reason for it to drag out like this. In the end, it will occur to my father one day that he has no real closeness to either his children or his grandchild(ren), and that maybe that's mostly his doing. No reason for it to come to that if he'll just spend some time with the people he purports to care so much about.

Enough of that rant. I will admit that I'm glad to be so far away from it.

Another joyous birthday announcement - not mine - has be good and riled up, too, but I'll have to go into that another time.

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