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Better late than never. I'm thinking about my "resolutions" for the year. Usually, I don't do these until my birthday, and this year is no exception. I'm formulating them, but I probably won't put any effort into them for a few weeks yet. That said, here goes:

-- Get money stuff taken care of.
We've pretty well slacked off in the Quicken department since we got here. Gotta get that back in shape and get things back in order. Among priorities in this department: reduce ALL debt by at least 30% (including the car), increase savings at least 300%, take at least one Motley Fool money seminar, read at least one book in the personal finance department.
-- Get health stuff taken care of.
This includes: exercise at least three times weekly; consume more fruits and veggies, preferably minimally (if at all) processed; take a swim class at the Y to improve my swimming (which is pretty pathetic now).
-- Enjoy what I have, and stop concentrating so much on what I don't have.
Listen to music more frequently; cook new recipes a couple times weekly; use all of those fabulous bath products that I have and am "saving"; pedicures!; concentrate on work the way I used to - it's just a different kind of challenging (I've had a hard time becoming self-motivated as opposed to "it's-on-fire"-motivated.); take more pictures; update this lame-ass blog frequently, just to have some indulgent narcissism; attend at least one film a month.
-- Learn some new things.
Take a math class; take a Spanish class; learn C (maybe even objective C); get my motorcycle license; try rock climbing at the climbing gym near work.
-- Spend more time (even if only phone and email) with the people (and beasts) that I love.
Call my sisters (MoMo and Molly) at least once a week each; email or call my distant friends and family -- Kimmy, Marianna, Doreen and Pat, my grandparents -- more often; be a better "mommy" to the turtles and cats - brushing the cats and giving vitamins to the turtles regularly.

WHEW! If I hit half of these, I think I'm doing great.

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