I intended to write more during the past week, but honestly it’s just been way too crazy for me to concentrate properly on drafting a post or two. Lots going on: work is super busy, pet project (yep, I still have that sewing project brewing) has had steps both forward and backwards, and general changes in routine have taken their toll on my time management. That’s a nice way of saying “I forget to eat and then I’m crabby.”
It’ll be good to have The Boy back.
I’ve done some reading, too. Over the past two weeks, I’ve read Flowers for Algernon (can’t believe I never read it before!), Anything You Want
, and Today We Are Rich
. All of these are relatively short and all of them were worth the time. Anything You Want takes less than an hour to read through, and I think if you’re working on a small business… or if you want to, or if you think you want to… it’s worth an hour of your time to read it
. It’s kind of similar to Lucky Or Smart?: Fifty Pages for the First-Time Entrepreneur ($3 on the kindle, people — spend the three bucks for this one). In fact, I’ve read a lot of business-ish books over the past year. Currently working through A Lapsed Anarchist’s Approach to Building a Great Business which has been interesting thus far but I’m not ready to gush about it (yet).
Speaking of business, I am crazy excited about MailRank’s imminent preview program, after working these past six months or so on really fixing email overload. If you use Outlook 2010 (yep, has to be 2010 for the preview) and you’re ready to get out of email overload, send me an email or sign up for our beta here. People who sign up early for our beta will also be invited to try out the pre-release software. Seriously, it’s cool stuff. You totally want to try it out. 🙂