Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


I’ve been living the bachelor lifestyle for a week now. It’s been crazy busy with work the whole week, so this is the first time I’ve had a chance to sit down and think/write about anything not work. And of course this will be short because it’s getting late.

Aside from the usual “wow, my life is pretty awesome” revisit — nothing makes you realize how awesome your day-to-day life is like disrupting the routine — it’s good to be reminded just how much SHB does keeping the house running. We joke about SHB being my 1950’s housewife, but damn I do appreciate all the work he does even more than usual. The foul beasts have been particularly needy in his absence, begging for attention and basically making nuisances of themselves. Plus, I’m out of practice on the whole feeding myself on a regular schedule thing (as my colleagues can attest to).

I’m pretty brain-fried, but on the whole I’m doing better than I was earlier in the week. A few days ago, I missed SHB so much that it physically hurt. Regular updates to Flickr (courtesy another attendee) and text messages with pictures of invading chipmunks have helped. And reports from Taos are that the workshop is a great experience (chipmunks aside).

Just one more week. One. More. Week.

Photo yoinked from chrystaline on Flickr, to whom I am grateful for the regular photo updates from Taos.