First day fending for myself in awhile.

Blah blah I’m spoiled blah blah. We all know I’m spoiled.

I’ve been up since 5 to get SHB off for his flight to Taos Toolbox this morning, but at least I had the sense to set some beans to soak when I returned from the airport. I’m glad I did, because I’m notorious for forgetting to eat when I’m otherwise busy. Or stressed. Or distracted. It’s not a positive thing.

So… beans. I started soaking about half a cup of these from Rancho Gordo around 6 this morning. Can’t ignore them when they’re sitting on the counter, so I had a good reminder to make some supper. I kicked off cooking them along with sauteed carrots/celery/onion around 4:30 and set the pot to simmer around 5. They are crazy delicious — a little sweet. I even have some left over.

Hooray for simple foods!