I Bought Your Story Press

SHB is searching through his email, hunting for the contract for a story he sold awhile back.

“What was the name of that press…”

I decide to be helpful. “I Bought Your Story Press.”

“No, that’s not it,” he sighs.

He thinks about this for a moment before continuing. “Besides, that would be awful. How would you like to get a rejection from ‘I Bought Your Story Press’?”

I figure you’d need a DBA to really make it work. Then, when you got a rejection, it could be from the DBA: “I Read Your Story Press”. That might sting a little less.

Of course none of these are the names he’s looking for. He eventually finds the email. It’s over a month old and there’s no follow-up on the status of the story. Feh.

SHB is off to Taos Toolbox early tomorrow, so we’re both a touch antsy and crabby. It’s been awhile since we’ve spent two weeks apart, and though I know it’ll be fine, I’m still not looking forward to it. Well, that’s not totally true. In some ways, I am looking forward to it because I think it’ll be a good experience for SHB. But that’s the not-selfish part of me. The selfish part of me is thinking I don’t want him to go.

The selfish part of me doesn’t get a vote. She’s a whiny bitch, anyway.