Not much to say, except…

WTF is wrong with ISPs that they think that indiscriminately blocking SMTP is a GOOD idea? I can handle an outside mail server, dumbasses….

I’m making a French Market Bag from Knitty. Damn. It is taking FORever. I don’t think I’ll ever have the love of felting that some others do. It just seems like a lot of stitches for not much reward.

So, knitting… blah, blah. I have some things I do need to get on with, like fix the neck on the cozy Big Sack — I just don’t like how it lays, though it is a dangerously comfy sweater. Or beginning Christmas presents. Or continuing to research the Molly Wedding Shawl. Or maybe just making something else for me, like the cashmere watchcap I’ve had tucked away or the Hourglass Sweater which was the inspiration for my recent buy of Noro. I made another Shedir, this one much smaller (I took out a few repeats) to make it more of a hat and less of a chemo cap. I really like the designer of that pattern. Her newest, Eris, calls to me. I just have to finish the 10 or so projects in front of it.

Leda REALLY likes harassing me when I’m on the PowerBook. Maybe it’s all the heat this little machine can generate.

Enough drivel. G’night!

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