Huh! We’ve had our stuff less than a month! That’s not bad time for moving stuff around and getting settled in. Next week, I’ll move again, but much less drastically – just out of Tech Support and downstairs to the “Jan Memorial Desk”. Yesterday, I was in a great mood. I’m not sure why, but at least some of it seems to have carried over into today. Did I ever mention the chicken I made the other day? I know that sounds trivial, but it was the best chicken I’ve ever made. Ever. It was in-freaking-credbly delicious! Okay, enough of that.

I have a plan to change myself somewhat. Now, I’ve already changed a lot. I made the decision in January that I would not be overweight, have bad skin, hate my job, have so much debt, and work so hard, and be thirty. Now, the turning thirty part I don’t have much choice in, do I? Seems that’s just looming. So, I needed to fix the other stuff. When we sold the house, we lost most of our debt (though not as much as I had hoped – which was all of it). Changing jobs seems to have fixed the “overworking” and “miserable at work” parts of the equation. I still have skin and weight issues, though. My skin is better than it was before I went to a dermatologist, but I need to find a new doctor here and get back on that one. And it’s only six months to my birthday. There’s no way I’m going to reach my goal weight in six months, considering I packed on extra pounds during the pre-relocation stress. But I’m ready to work on it. We have our membership to the Y, and the Berkeley Y seems to have some really great classes. I need to investigate that further. Also, I’m going to start being conscientious about my calorie intake. I splurged while Molly was here – it was comfort food and comfort friend time! Now, to get down to business. I’m going to do it, too. Absolutely. I will not hate my flesh anymore.