Today I’m happy. I miss Molly already, but generally I feel pretty good. I’m not (very) sick. I had a little nap between taking Mol to the airport and coming into work, a lively discussion at lunch, and I have actually helped out some at work today. I like feeling (even mildly) useful.

I had a strange dream during my nap: Stevie and I had bought a three-bedroom house with two tiny tiny rooms and one huge one that was something like 20×35. For some reason, Molly was living with us for a while (but not forever, just a few months or something like that), and so instead of having separate rooms, we put two beds in the big room and hung a sheet between the two beds for “privacy”. It didn’t seem very private to me. Then, we (as a group) decided that she would move into one of the tiny rooms, and everyone was happier. Not that we were sad before, just not as comfortable. I don’t even want to try to dream analysis that one.