b’s buzz
Because sometimes it's hard to say goodbye...
@JefrsonStarChip @adamhjk Shit was, indeed, wild.
@adamhjk https://t.co/1EyAVDXFUf
RT @polotek: People often conflate “drudgery” with “I don’t wanna do this part”. And the result is us working hard to automate things that…
@EricaJoy https://t.co/vrpH6zecAG
@BronwynAnn Besides prop 1?
RT @Ariel_Comedy: I’d really appreciate it if anyone could please just let my teachers know that chugging a beer has in fact been great for…
RT @zoecello: If you haven’t had it already, now is a great time to get a covid booster 💉
@marcprecipice @operaqueenie @polotek I started doing the same last night, inspired by this thread. Bit by bit I’m whittling down my actual follows in favor of lists.
@obra Did you get a pair for @therealfitz ?
RT @Blackamazon: This is gonna be the season of white folks saying things Black people noted. Everyone being shocked. So they can avoid the…
RT @Blackamazon: Please don’t forget that #BreonnaTaylor died because a woman lied on a piece of paper
@brennx0r I mostly screamed at the ABSURDITY of the showstopper. Like ON WHAT PLANET would that work? One with .5G? THOSE SHOULD NOT BE STACKED!!
@ddt I only have a few really memorable ones. One was applying for an ops position and was excited for root access, because he wanted to grief furries. Dude. No. Another was my fave job application ever for VP Ops: “I would like to work with horses or old people or maybe a dancer.”
@ddt I have absolutely asked this question in interviews. Though mostly when I worked at Linden Lab because there could be some odd preconceived notions that needed adjustment.
@danshapiro @harper Dan.
RT @jenna: Spotted in Silicon Valley. Submitted without comment. https://t.co/5ncNaGl8As
RT @scalzi: Super simple rule of thumb: Never vote for anyone who denies the 2020 election results, they are literal enemies of truth, and…
RT @TheNapMinistry: Rhetorical question: Why the hell y’all not wearing masks anymore yet everyone I know is laying sick on couch with COVI…