Toe-up sock two-needle cast-on tutorial.

I always do my toe-up socks with the same tried-and-true cast-on, which I adapted from a doubleknit cast-on from Principles of Knitting. Over the years, I’ve showed a few people how to do this at … Read more

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I can already tell.

I’m going to lose the rest of the evening on Ravelry, Flickr (moving projects from the blog to Flickr), and LibraryThing.

Short catch-up.

I’m back. The Big Fat Hater is back. We’re happy to be back. I destroyed our shredder and bought a new one that is huge and hungry and I think might be a menace to … Read more

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There are actually TWO patterns from the new Knitty I might want to make. Mr. Greenjeans and Cherie Amour.

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Less phage-y.

It seems that the Yang Wen-li tea plus a long sleep is just the trick. Woke up to find that ants had attacked the cat food…. again. I followed them back to where they’re getting … Read more

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