Giddy like a five-year-old…
Like me at five, that is. I LOVE Doc Ock! He is my absolute favorite Spidey bad guy of all time… And I just downloaded the preview. Yay!
Like me at five, that is. I LOVE Doc Ock! He is my absolute favorite Spidey bad guy of all time… And I just downloaded the preview. Yay!
When we were cutting them out, I kept singing, “Buffalo Sharks, won’t you come out tonight?” Just puts me in the holiday spirit. That, and the only unshipped present is for MoMo and Jake…
The lovely ladies who provide our shared work produce have bought four or five of them. I polished one off, then chopped up the rind and dropped it into a pitcher of water. The vitamin … Read more
Sick sick mc-sick. I have been sick for DAYS. I was sick all last weekend, puny on Monday and Tuesday, took yesterday off sick. Back at work today, but still a little bit sick. Feh.
I feel a little less worried about it because she’s going to the Margot Perot center, which is where Kimmy went and she has nothing but good things to say about it. I sent her … Read more
The top three most evil entities of the century are: Mengele Courtney Love DeBeers, the diamond cartel A little something for everyone.
Some days, I’m just fragile. Today is a fragile day. Littleish things piss me off. I went to an appointment with a doctor who was supposed to be a sports medicine specialist — but all … Read more
They involve going to the Bowl. Now, the Berkeley Bowl is an amazing place, don’t get me wrong. It also competes with Ikea for the “densest teaming mass of humanity” award. It’s overwhelming. On the … Read more
First, there was the attack of the Indian meal moths this weekend. The entire kitchen was infested with them something terrible. They had to throw out all the cereal, spices, tea, the toaster AND the … Read more
I might be miserable old crone, anyway, but my CF status is not the cause, according to this study.
“I gave up most of my life to do her job and she still thinks I owe her something.” Run away, Branwen!