This is my brain on The Idea.

I’m in the middle of a spell where an Idea has taken hold of me and it Just Won’t Let Go Of My Brain.  When it happens I just can’t stop thinking about how to make The Idea into reality. I told SHB last night, “This is what it must be like to be Zach all the time.”  (Our friend Zach is one of those smart people that makes cool stuff for a living.  He doesn’t just have ideas; he takes those ideas (and other people’s ideas as well) and turns them into Real Things. Check out some of the stuff he makes here when you get a moment.)

At any rate, back to SHB. I’m just insufferable when I get like this. My one-track mind does weird things to our conversations. This is an approximation of how it happens:

me: “How was your day?”

SHB: “Post office. Writing. Took the cat to the vet. Do you want to go out to dinner?”

me: “I think if I break it into three pieces instead of four that will work better and be easier to make.”

SHB: “Huh. Okay then… So about dinner…”

me: “I mean, I think that will work better. Would that work better?”

SHB: “I have no idea.”

me: “Nah, screw it. I’ll try it with four.”

SHB: “So… dinner?”

SHB doesn’t miss a beat.  He knows it’s just The Idea gripping my brain. He doesn’t even need to ask for an audit trail anymore. That, to me, is love.

Even though it’s annoying to have The Idea insinuate itself into every interaction, I love the high that comes from inspiration. It’s like The Idea is a new friend you just click with. First, you just hit it off. There’s the honeymoon phase where Everything About Them is So Amazing. After awhile, either something comes of it and The Idea becomes an old friend or it just fades away.

I wish inspiration would hit me all the time. Alas, it comes and goes in spells, so I’m enjoying this one while it lasts. Plus, I’m happiest when I’m making stuff.