YES! I got every class I wanted this time – super easy and no technical problems.

Welcome to the greatest (and only) sock knitting show on earth. Sock Summit 2011 continues the tradition we began in 2009: of a one of a kind conference for hand-knitters that explores the humble art form known as the sock.

A conference for sock knitters.

Why socks?  People ask us that all the time.

Socks are practical, beautiful, historical, engaging and symbolic. Socks are circular, portable, structural and a perfect tiny canvas for almost any hand knitting technique you’d like to put on them. No matter what you’re interested in when it comes to knitting, there’s a way that it has to do with socks. We’re sure there’s something here for you whether you’re practical, fanciful or inexperienced in the ways of the sock.

Sock Knitting History Still In The Making!

We’ve got a ton of classes this year, and when you’re not in class you can scope out the Marketplace, attend our Sock Hop, take part in a race, or watch knitterly feats of daring-do.

There’s more, much more and big fun at every turn. We’re hoping that Sock Summit, and the journey you make to it, will be one of the best things ever. If you came last time, we think you’ll have even more fun. If this is your first trip – Welcome, and brace yourself.

We come from a galaxy far…far away. We carry with us the tools of our trade, needles and yarn. We use these tools to knit socks. We knit socks in all sizes, from all kinds of yarn, in all kinds of ways. We knit socks that come up to our ankles, our knees and some of us even knit ones that reach our thighs. We knit sturdy working socks, odd socks, boot socks, elegant stockings, ribbed stripy socks, plain Jane stockinette socks, lacy socks and socks so colourful and intricate that they take your breathe away and bring a tear to your eye. We knit socks toe up and top down and even side to side from time to time. We knit them in wool, cotton, bamboo… or our own incredible handspun. There is no end to the why, when and where we knit socks and certainly no end to the how we knit socks.

Some people loves shoes…we love socks, and there’s no end to it.

Socks are practical, beautiful, interesting, historical, engaging and symbolic. Socks are circular, portable, structural and a perfect tiny canvas for almost any hand knitting technique you’d like to put on them. No matter what you’re interested in when it comes to knitting, there’s a way that has to do with socks. We’re sure there’s something here for you even if you’re a curious knitter perched on the sock knitting fence and are just looking to try this most flexible of mediums for the artistic or practical knitter.

Socks are practically unlimited when it comes to personal interpretation, and we can’t imagine that there’s a knitter that can’t find there’s own personal sock nirvana. We have and will gladly show you the way to yours. Come celebrate with our luminous array of talented teachers and designers as we explore the changing and emerging role of socks in the world of knitting.

Are we breaking new ground in sock knitting, and if so – how? Are we revisiting old stomping grounds and doing as so many knitters before us, or are we reinventing those techniques and making them our own? Boldly and humbly we’re knitting where others have gracefully gone before, and adding to the pattern they started.Crossing cultures…exploring, joining and stepping respectfully forward.

Sock Knitting History Still In The Making!

When you’re not in class you can scope out the marketplace, the biggest gathering of sock related stuff we know of, and joyful gathering of the hand-dying community. Talented vendors gather together to bring you the best of everything we could think of that relates to socks and sock knitting. (There’s some regular stuff there too. Although we can’t imagine it, you might want to knit something other than socks sometime.)

There’s a lot of fun in the marketplace besides the shopping. You can meet the artists and shop owners that you buy from, watch demonstrations, wind your new wool at a winding station…ship what you bought home. The marketplace is a great place to learn too… and while you’re in there, you can watch us shower love and appreciation on our great sponsors, the companies and individuals who thought this whole thing was a great idea and put their money behind it.

This year our sock hop has an 80’s twist to it. We’ll have a bunch of other surprises the will be revealed as this all unfolds. We’re continuing the sock museum that you’ll be able to tour and the summit. We’re asking you all to take part, adding to the knit-a-long that explores the socks that came before, and socks that are up and coming.

There’s more, much more and big fun at every turn. We’re hoping that Sock Summit, and the journey you make to it, will be one of the best things ever. If you cam last time, we think you’ll have more fun than ever. If this is your first trip – Welcome, and brace yourself.

Come celebrate the diversity that is sock knitting. Help us make sock history again. We can’t wait to see you. –>

Simply Socks Yarn Company Blue Moon Fiber Arts The Fold Knitter's Magazine WEBS Wool2Dye4 Louet Soak The Loopy Ewe skacel

Now I’m really REALLY looking forward to Sock Summit. 🙂