Holy crap, thirteen years!

That’s how long we’ve been married. This also marks the end of our seventh year in the Bay Area. It’s easy to say, “Wow, so much has happened.” I find it’s more interesting to think about what hasn’t changed. Or maybe I just find it comforting. The Boy and I are closer than ever, and I suspect even more annoyingly cloying to be around for any amount of time. To celebrate, we went down to the Monterey Aquarium on Sunday morning — the very best time to go, we discovered, is early Sunday morning. I highly recommend the seahorse exhibit. For the most part, though, we’ve spent this long weekend lounging and being near, and for me that is more than enough.

As for our tenure in the Bay Area, it’s been good to us overall. We have friends and a comfortable lifestyle, and enjoy living in such a beautiful place. Oh, and did I mention that it’s thirty degrees cooler here than in Dallas today? That takes some of the sting out of being far from family.