Another year gone by.

I think I officially jumped a demographic today, assuming there’s a “35+” group. Doesn’t really phase me – even with the “I’m old” banter between me and Kate of late. I’ve never been particularly worried about being old, or getting old, and even if I was there’s no measure that says that 35 is old in this day and age. Hell, I got carded for booze at Trader Joe’s a few weeks ago when my mother-in-law was visiting. That was kind of funny, since it had been so long since I was carded that I just couldn’t figure out why the checker kept asking for my ID. “No, you don’t need my ID. I’m using a debit card.” Boy, did I feel like a dumbass when I finally worked out what was going on there. At least Shirley got a kick out of it.

It’s been kind of a weird day for me, though. A contingent of the Mel-O-Dee knitters were over from brunch this morning, which was FAB. Unfortunately, I woke up quite discombobulated and off-balance for No Apparent Reason. I was fine when I went to bed, and still seriously overbalancing an hour after I woke up. Hard to chalk that up to general sleep-clumsiness, even for me. I seem to be improving, and I’ve decided it’s probably some sort of inner-ear thing. Unfortunately, it did keep me more stationary and reserved when we had guests, and I didn’t go with them for the Daiso run. That’s okay, though. I had a pleasant afternoon on the couch with Tivo, and Stephen baked me an apple cake to celebrate my birthday. I’m terribly, terribly spoiled.