My boy is gone. I’ve been ranging between crying hysterically and just working like nothing’s wrong. We’ll see how I do after this weekend. My plan: live the glamorous life of a workaholic during these six weeks. Oh, and figure out if there’s any way to get him home for a weekend. We won’t know much about his schedule until he does it for a few weeks, though.
I’m working from home this afternoon, because while I’m technically on vacation today, I have a lot to do and it gives me something to think about. Also, I can’t very well go into the office when I’m crying at the drop of a hat. OMG — a hat? Wwwaaaahhhh!
I’m almost done with the Audrey sweater. It’s all assembled, and just waiting for the lace at the top. I’m not sure what I might work on next. I still have the Molly sweater, and I’d like to get that done by this winter. I have enough Calmer for another Audrey, and enough Peruvian Highland Wool to make another Ribby Cardi. I admit, I could use another cardigan. That might be a winner. Only not the all-ribby version this time. We’ll see.