Lemme make something very clear right now…

I am not remotely politically or socially conservative. At least, not in the broad spectrum of things. Maybe a little bit when you compare me to those around me — the über-lefties that inhabit Berkeley. Now, OTOH, my handsome husband is a law-abiding anarchist, if you can have such a thing. He will follow any law, no matter how silly it is, but he isn’t a fan of having all those laws in the first place. In DH’s world, people don’t need to be protected from themselves. He’s even more confusing to others than I am, when they discover this about him. I mean, it’s not seemly to discuss politics in polite company for my southern boy.

That refusal to discuss such things probably makes a big difference in the harmony of our marriage. How can we fight about it if we never talk about it? I guess we can agree to disagree without even discussing some of those things.