I’m going to bitch about this and see if it calms me down any to vent.

Is it just me, or does just about everyone in the state of California have a work ethic deficiency? Sure, I’ll count myself. Why not? I’m bitching on my blog instead of working… Well, I’m waiting for some software to install, so I don’t think I’m too bad. Remember me from way back when? When I had tons of energy and got lots of stuff done? These days, sometimes all I see is a sea of crap that needs to be done and no one, including myself, stepping up to the plate. It’s not just on the job, though that’s where I am at the moment. It’s around the house — “oh, I’ll pick that up later.” Or — “I don’t feel like cooking, let’s get takeout.” When did I become so damned lazy?

To be honest, I think my overall frustration with this “work ethic” issue is that I wonder if mine is slipping away. God, I hope not.