When you have kids some day — and I know that you will and that they’ll be glow in the dark white babies with a froth of red hair to top it off — don’t forget me. Don’t think that because I’m not birthing that I don’t want to know about your pregnancy. Don’t think that I will have no interest in what happens when s/he first starts teething.
Don’t think that because I don’t have kids to play with your kids, that I don’t have any value anymore.
Every day I read stories about how “my best friend had kids, and now we hardly talk because we don’t have anything in common.” I will always remember that you are a person and not just a mommy, even if you lose sight of that yourself. We’ve made it through some pretty major changes before. I just don’t want to lose you when that one comes up. So, let’s make a deal now, shall we? You don’t ditch me when you have a couple of rugrats, and I won’t ditch you when you just want to talk about how your teenage daughter can’t keep the boys away. Deal?