Well, there’s something.

First off, my father’s picking me up at the airport on Thursday. Not wholly remarkable, like say… (are you sitting down?)

My father’s family is coming out to say with us next weekend (starting 25 July), after a camping trip to Yosemite with aforementioned family.

ACK! Whodathunkit?

Now to get through the weekend without major incident. On a sort of related note, I had a realization last night. To have a somewhat uneventful life is a great luxury. Now, I don’t mean that nothing happens to you. I just mean that the crazy life-changing times even out with the uneventful times. Lots of people don’t get that opportunity. Over the last five years or so, my goals have slowly changed. Now, what I truly hope for in life is to spend it in relative comfort, and to have as much time as possible with the people I love. If I am a good person, treat others as well as I can without screwing myself over, and live responsibly, and things generally turn out okay for us… what else could I ask for? There are so many things that could go wrong — illness, injury, horrible world-wide changes that put us in danger… If I am lucky enough avoid those situations for the most part, then life is pretty damn good. You just can’t ask for more than that.