First off:

Since Molly referenced the “Speed Racer” dream in her blog, the ads are now showing car racing schools at the top. I should just spring for the $10 to get rid of those ads… In other news, I had the “ohmygodi’mbackinhighschoolandit’sfinalsandidon’tknowmyschedule” dream. Again. I have it something like once or twice a month. This one was full of appearances by former classmates: AJ, LarryJames, Lan, Heather Fitzgerald, Amy Mayo… Lots of them. Kind of crazy how much detail there was. And, of course, I not only didn’t know my schedule but I also had managed to skip the class for all but maybe the first week of the semester. My chances of passing the class were not good. But on I went, looking for the class, taking the test. I usually wake up about the time the tests are passed out. I guess it’s the equivalent of hitting bottom in a falling dream.