So, we’re going to try to buy a domicile of some sort.

Scott recommended a realtor, and Karen and I have a list of properties we want to tour. Should be an interesting experience. We won’t be able to move forward until MoMo graduates and consolidates her loans, but there’s no
way we’d find something “just right” before then anyway. We have plenty of time to find the right place.

Also <singing>MoMo’s coming over!</singing> tomorrow night, and I’m WAY looking forward to it. Had a few difficult conversations with my father over the past two weeks, too, but nothing horrible. Just a little painful, like a pinch. Of course, it’s not going to just go away, either, so it’s better that I tell him how I feel about things than just continuing to avoid him. It’s much easier to avoid someone from 1500 miles away, I’ve noticed.