Last night, I talked to Jake and MoMo for a bit.

Jake had dressed up as a pumpkin for drama class at school, and was singing his little pumpkin song. And then he started in on “We will rock you” by Queen. WTF? He was going for it and belting out the chorus at top volume. Then, with a little prodding, he sang this:

“Well I’m not the world’s most masculine man

But I know what I am and I’m glad that I’m a man

And so is Lola

La-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola”

I laughed so hard it hurt. MoMo was concerned that it wasn’t appropriate for his age, until I reminded her about the story when she started singing “Touch-a Touch-a Touch Me, I wanna feel dirty!” in the middle of the grocery store produce section. She was four. Any chance to bring up painfully embarrassing anecdotes from your sibling’s childhood should be taken full advantage of!